Photo: Ari Ijäs, Copyrights: Moomin Characters Ltd
Hallo. This time I try writing both in English and Finnish.
We might get some Finglish(...)or not.
Moi vaan.
Tässä eräänä päivänä googlettaessani tulin Green Man Review nimisille sivuille, joista löytyi hauska kirja-arvio, tai noh, mielestäni erittäin tarkkanäköinen, henkilökohtainen, ja koskettava artikkeli Toven kirjallisuudesta.
Kuunnelkaa tätä:
"For some years, I thought I had managed to net all of the Moominvalley books that had been translated into English. I was actually pleased when I discovered that I was missing one, and that Moominvalley in November was available in English."
(Leona Wisoker, http://www.greenmanreview.com/)
Kirjoittaja Leona Wisoker esitellään näin vastustamattoman valloittavasti:
"Leona Wisoker started out as a writer when she was eight, with a story about all the vacuum cleaners in the world breaking down at the same time. Her parents made the deadly mistake of praising it, and friends and family alike have had to wade through piles of her work ever since.
She has returned to writing for Green Man Review after an absence of four years, in which she trained as a massage therapist and energy healer. On discovering that the satisfaction of healing others, high as it was, still took second place to the written word for her, she bowed humbly to the various Muses hitting her over the head and returned to her desk.
Leona currently lives in Williamsburg, Virginia, with an extraordinarily patient husband and two large dogs, all of whom do their best to drag her into physical activity once in a while. They usually fail."
Ja mikä tärkeintä:
"She almost never vacuums."
Leona jatkaa, ja kirjoittaa älyllisen kauniisti kokemastaan:
"The artwork shows Fillyjonk, a beloved character to anyone who has read Tales from Moominvalley, running along the dock towards the Moomin's boathouse, looking back fearfully over her shoulder, while Snufkin (instantly recognizable by hat and perpetual pipe) sits in the foreground, talking to a young boy we've never met before.
The grass Snufkin and his friend sit on is sketched in with browns and greens, allowing the bluish, textured watercolor paper to set the edge lines. A single large orange-gold leaf is falling just past Fillyjonk's frightened nose.
It's a very simple but evocative cover; you get the feeling immediately that it's late fall, that there's something to be afraid of if you're easily scared (like Fillyjonk) but that everything is just fine if you're a calm type of person to begin with (like Snufkin)."
Lopuksi toive:
"Perhaps one day I shall learn to read Finnish after all. . . "
No, hei! Tämähän järjestyy. This could be arranged.
Olen päättänyt kirjoittaa Leonalle ja kysyä viimeisiä kuulumisia, kertoa Tanssivasta Muumilaaksosta jne.
Leona. I have decided to write you an e-mail for asking how you are doing. For telling you about Dancing Moominvalley.
I hope you answer.
Kuullaan lisää.
Samuli Roininen, Dancer-choreographer, Dance Theatre MD, Finland
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